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Leash Reactivity Webinar
03/24/24 at 4 PM EST

Image by J. Kelly Brito

Does your dog bark/lunge/pull/whine or react poorly to triggers when out on walks? Whether your dog is frustrated when seeing other dogs, anxious about joggers, darting after cars, or wanting to chase after squirrels, this webinar is for you!

This will be a live webinar hosted by Certified Dog Trainer & Behavior Consultant

Erika Gonzalez, CPDT-KA.


This is the perfect option for learning how to get your dog's leash reactivity under control - all from the comfort of your own home!


There will be limited spots for this event. This webinar is small by design to ensure that every attendee gets the most out of it and has opportunities to ask questions. 


This live webinar will take place on Zoom.

Zoom is free and easy to use!

What's Included:

A live webinar (about 1.5-2 hr long) with detailed instructions and a specific training plan to address leash reactivity​

  • How to prepare for the training

  • Management solutions

  • Baseline information to gather and understand

  • Factors that may impact your training

  • Specific exercises and methods to work on to improve reactivity

  • Skills and cues to teach 

  • Leash techniques and mechanics

  • Long term considerations

  • Live Q&A session with Erika

  • Access to handouts and video examples





  • The webinar will include a live Q&A with Erika after the webinar is complete to answer any questions you may have about the material

  • You will receive a Leash Reactivity Tutorial PDF with step-by-step instructions and Erika's personal recommendations for harnesses/equipment, high value treats, leash reactivity books and resources, and more!

  • You will have access to all video examples shown in the webinar (available for 30 days from the webinar date)​

  • You will also receive a PDF of all Training Recommendations which includes all of Erika's favorite treat options, harnesses, how often to train, general training information, and more!

  • You will also receive a PDF of a step-by-step tutorial on how to train your dog on the "touch" cue which can help with redirection and focus!


PLEASE NOTE: This price does NOT include a recording of the live webinar. All details covered during the live webinar will be included in the materials above.


There will be NO REFUNDS, so please ensure you can attend the live webinar and are aware of the day and time (ET).

Investment: $24.99
Link to sign in on Zoom and other details will be emailed to all registered attendees the day of the webinar date via email.

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